Friday, May 16, 2014

Dating on a Dime

My guy and I are pretty busy. Between demanding jobs with long hours, extra curricular activities and trying to keep up with life, we don't get as much "us" time as we would like.

In order to keep the "us" a little more sparky, we have designated Tuesdays to date night. Now, you are probably thinking "Wow, a date night EVERY WEEK? Isn't that a lot?". Well, not when you aren't spending $40, $50, $60 on every date!

Don't get me wrong, a good splurge date every once in a while is OK, but as you know by now I am all about saving money while having fun!

A great way to save some money on date nights is trying out something like Groupon or LivingSocial. Often times there are MANY great deals to be had, and you can search these sites to find deals right in your neighborhood. 

Another way is to just get a little creative. Find some awesome money saving deal dates below!

Sharing is Caring
Go to a favorite restaurant and share a meal! Most restaurants give you way more than a normal portion anyways, so why not save those extra bucks (AND those extra pounds!) and share a meal?An even better option is to go somewhere where you get a free "appetizer" such as a mexican place that serves chips and salsa.

Olive Garden Fettuccine Alfredo: $10
BONUS: Free salad and breadsticks
Get water (remember, lemons are free!) and you are looking at only $5 per person!

Move Over Movie Night
Don't want to end the date there? Try something fun for cheap! Movie nights are great, but who wants to pay $20+ on tickets? NO ONE, that's who. Besides, if your date is only pretending to be in to the new Jean Claude Van Dam movie to make you feel better, you look like an ass and they're falling asleep!

If you insist on seeing a movie, try a drive in or a dollar theater instead. At least if the movie sucks you don't hate yourself for spending all that cash. Plus it's way easier to get snacks in to a drive in! Or step outside your comfort zone! Go to an arcade, or somewhere with batting cages or bumper cars. It is usually only around $5-10 to do these!

Golf clubs at the thrift shop - $0.99 each
Driving Range $5 for a bucket of golf balls
Share the bucket and laugh at each other while you try to hit the balls off of the mat!
Have a blast and only spend $2.50 per person!!

Have Your Cake & Eat It Too
Lastly, what's a nice date without a sweet little dessert? It's not. Believe me. Seriously, get her something sweet.

Instead of going to that new fro-yo place and spending a crap ton on a "small" (I mean really small) serving of what should taste much better than this yogurt, try going to a bakery or chocolate shop. You could even splurge at some of these places and get TWO or THREE things! Chocolate stores are great because just a couple items will keep you satisfied and NOT cost $18 a piece. Or try this:

Bakery, 2 cupcakes to taste-test together (or one for each of you, because you're stingy) $3/each
That's $3 per person! for something totally unexpected and delicious!

So, I have just given you three examples for a whole dinner, entertainment and dessert date for $21.00!! That's a steal! And there are so many more options to choose from - sharing a pizza, walking around the park, taking pictures together...the list could go on! I'll share more date ideas as we continue with our Tuesday night dates, but hopefully these inspire you to get out there and spend some time with your better half! You don't have any more excuses :)

What type of date nights do you enjoy? Do you have any money-saving tips for your date outings? I'd love to hear from YOU!

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