Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's a Mario {PARTY}! Let's A-Go!

 My precious nephew turned 7 this year, and Aunt Moe was so proud that he chose Mario as his birthday theme. My sister is a big planner and always lets her kids pick the theme they want for their birthday.

Creating a themed party can get expensive. All these great ideas go through your head and if you were to create every single one, you could spend countless dollars! But it IS easy to get what you want for a great price - just ask my sister! With plenty of planning and deal searching, and a little more than a little creativity, you can create a great themed party that everyone (adults too!) will love!

Check out this Mario-tastic party!

Some white balloons make for a great "Boo", and yellow plates with some outlined yellow construction paper pop when hanging from the ceiling. 

Mustache waters and colored straws make for a healthy alternative to soda and a great way to wash down the "Fireball" mix!

A great table scape really makes a party. Adding some visual elements as well as "interactive" food elements help make it fun!

Some fun games like Pin the Mustache on Mario and a Yoshi Egg Pinata keep it entertaining for the kids.

And of course a party isn't complete without an awesome cake!

My sister really did a great job on the party. Everyone had a great time, and there was tons of fun things to look at and do for the kids.

All in all, the most important part of the party was that there was one happy birthday kid in the end! 


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