Friday, April 25, 2014

Simple Crafts

Crafting is fun, and exciting, and...daunting?

Sometimes we get a little too over our heads when it comes to projects, and end up with the dreaded "to be continued craft closet" (as I like to call it). See below:

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Well, you get the idea. 
The point I am trying to make is YES! be an overachiever! And YES! tackle those big, time consuming projects! But not every time. 

Not every project needs to be bigger than the next. Take a "project break" and stick with something simple, basic, yet still fun and adorable.


No, I didn't hand carve the wood, or hang dry the flower, or capture and press a butterfly. 

I made this in about 60 minutes with minimal items. I picked up the wooden M (unfinished) at Hobby Lobby, along with the (already painted) wooden accents (see: flower + butterfly). I painted the M in my choice of color and let it dry. I then used small sticker stencils to paint in "McKynzie's Room". I hot glued the wooden accessories as well as the green ribbon. Note that to keep it even while hanging, I wrapped the ribbon around the top of the letter. This may not be possible for all letters, but if you can you should! It really helped.

So moral of the story is that with a bottle glass of wine and a few simple items you can keep the craft bug at bay, finish your project, and get a great looking piece!

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